Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hotel Occupancy Rate falling

From Calculated Risk: Hotels: Occupancy Rate Falling, delinquencies Rising

Downtown Chicago hotels saw a 13.1 percent dive in the average occupancy rate, to 69 percent last month from a year earlier, according to Smith Travel Research. Nationwide, occupancy dropped 10.6 percent, to a 51.9 percent rate.

Pricing dropped as well, leading to double-digit declines in revenue per available room, a key measure of profitability. In downtown Chicago, the decline was 20.6 percent; nationally, it was 12.9 percent.

Also, Deutsche Bank reported in their Commercial Real Estate Outlook: Q4 2008 (no link), that "hotel loan deterioration now beginning to take-off" and that the 30-day delinquency rate has risen from 6bp to 55bp in just the last three months.

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